Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The link for the Pumpkin Craft that all the Girls made this week at the meeting....... is right {HERE!}
If you want to make more, it has a great tutorial.
I have three girls, so I lucked out with the three the girls made!
Also, if your Girl did not finish...go ahead and finish it up!
Have fun Craftin'!

Pilgrim Hats.

Leader Amanda had the Brownies and Daisies make some cute crafts last meeting.
The girls made Indian Hats and some girls made Pilgrim Hats. We ran out of time...!
I thought I would post how to make them in case you want to make them at home as well.
Here are the instructions Amanda gave to me....
Take a long piece of white construction paper. Fold the top upwards about 2 inches.
 Next, from the left side go 6 inches over and cut straight up.
Do the same on the right side, go 6 inches over and cut straight up.
 Fold the cut part like so and staple.
My big stapler broke, so I had to use this littler one. It doesn't reach very far.
 Punch holes on the side for the ribbon and tie the ribbon through.
 Cut some cute flowers and attach with a brad or glue. Whatever you have on hand.
 Put on your little Pilgrim's head and tie...!
*My darling daughter lost more teeth this weekend*
She talked with them about getting along with others just as Pilgrims got along with the Indians.
I just thought they were adorable and had to post...!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fall Fundraising Boothing...!

Today was our very first day of boothing for our new Girl Scout Troop.
The girls were actually really excited to booth. I googled Girl Scout Booths and found no cute ideas for Nut Booths....actually I found no Fall Fundraising Booths at all on the web.
We decided to have the girls make some little nut people at our meeting. They turned out so incredibly cute...! These kids are creative...!
I just added them onto everything to decorate...!
 Get your Peanuts....! The girls had concession stand like boxes around their necks to sell. It came in handy for those who didn't want to get out of their vehicles...!
We also made posters for the other girls to hold when yelling...!
 The front of the booth said "We are NUTS about Girl Scouts."
I also made another sign that said "Thank you for supporting our NUTTY troop!" The girls thought it was funny.
 These Daisies know how to sell..!
 This girl is working hard...!
Our last set of girls sold the very last of our supplies. Woo-hoo...!
We sold out completely.
So, we decided to set a goal of 1,000 items sold since the girls are selling machines.
66 more items to go to reach the goal.
I have to go get more inventory on Monday to get ready for next weekend.
Oh, tomorrow's booth is closed for those of you wanting to go or working it. We have no more nuts until Monday.
Thank you to the community, parents and girls and Fastrip...!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My Garage is full of Girl Scout NUTS...!
It's a great feeling of how much the girls have sold...!
Come to my house {Troop Leader Bobbi} Tuesday, Nov. 9th between 4-7 pm and pick up your nut orders.
Please bare with me, as I'm not feeling good and it's taking me forever to sort them out.
Come cookie season, we will need lots of volunteers.
I will also have the sign-up sheet to booth at Fastrip for those who have not signed up.
Good job parents and girls...!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Costume Parade.

Last Saturday, the Girl Scouts signed up to be in the Halloween Costume Parade.
They showed off their cute costumes to the town...!

 Amanda and I waiting to start the parade.
 How can you not be proud of these sweeties?
 They were announcing the Troop right here.

It was a fun little thing to do for the troop.
We're getting to know each other more and more...!

Every {Vote} Counts!

Us leaders, were trying to teach the girls about Voting today.
We talked about what voting means, the older girls made commercials and campaigned.
We decided to have them vote on our upcoming Christmas Party.
It's going to be our badge ceremony as well, so we thought we should start collecting things.
 Amanda did a great job on the voting booths...!
 Serena being adorable and making a difference by voting....!
 Kenia getting her "I Voted" sticker!
 Our leaders voted for our favorites as well...!
Every vote counts...!
 I had to put this picture of Sandy. She's so cute..!
 The votes were counted...!
The results are in.....
Gingerbread Themed Christmas Party
Pizza for the Main Course
Secret Santa Gift Exchange
Aren't these ballots adorable?!
The girls had a fun time voting...!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Food Drive.

We are looking for donations of canned and non perishable foods.

The girls are putting together food boxes for needy families for the holiday season.
Any donations that you can give would be greatly appreciated.
We need the donations by Saturday, November 20th.

Thank you!


Troop #2447 is expanding....!
We have some openings to be filled for Cadette Girl's. These girls should be in 6th or 7th or 8th grade.
If you know someone of that age that would like to join Girl Scouts, please email our troop.
Bonnie is a volunteer troop leader that is willing to spend her time teaching these girls.
What a blessing!

*Side Note: We have a few more openings for our little Daisies as well. These ages are Kinder and 1st graders. Just a few more, so please email us asap.