Can you believe the year is over already?
Our first year as Troop #2447.
Wow! Takes my breath away how fast the years fly by.
Tuesday, May 17th at 6:00 pm will be our very last Award Ceremony for the year. It is also a Bridging Ceremony. Bridging means that there are girls that are Bridging over into the next Troop over the summer. The girls Bridging are....
Daisies Bridging Into Brownies
1. Alessandra
2. Mia
3. Emma
4. Alexis
5. Araceli
5. Araceli
Brownies Bridging Into Juniors
1. Emily
2. Aaliyah
3. Natalia
4. Marie
5. Violet
6. Maria
Juniors Bridging Into Cadettes
1. Sara
2. Serena
3. Felicity
4. Suzanna
5. Eunice
All the Girls will get their Badges and Patches that they have earned since the last ceremony.
These Girls Bridging will get Extra Badges that go onto their next sash for their next Troop.
There will be refreshments to follow after the Ceremony.
You may also invite family members to come join in the celebration.
After the Ceremony, we will be having RE-REGISTRATION for the following year.
We have a long waiting list of girls who want to join the troop.
To ensure your spot for next year, please bring your checkbook and sign up for the following year. You may also pay for registration with Cookie Money that will be given to you. For every 50 boxes you sold, you get $5 in Cookie Money to buy books, sashes, registration, etc.
We are taking registration only for those who were in it this year on May 17th. However, if you have a sibling who wants to join, there will be a list to sign them up on. We just need to ensure on that date, our Troop #2447 girls.
We will also be taking money to get the required books for next year, sashes, pins, etc......
Please save up....! It will save many trips into the GS Office.
Any questions, please contact Troop Leader Bobbi.