Our Juniors from last year, earned their Bronze Awards over the summer....!
The Bronze Award is one of the most distinguished awards in Girl Scouts.
The highest is Gold, then Silver, then Bronze.
In order to achieve this Award, Troop Leader Amanda first had them complete a Journey Badge.
After that, she talked with the Girls and asked who would want to take intiative and earn it.
They had to come up with a Service Project that was dear to their hearts. Something that they were interested in....and they came up with helping the local Animal Shelter.
Each of these Juniors, raised money throughout the year.
They then went together and purchased items for the shelter.
Another day, they went to deliver these treats for the Animals....!
And this Car Magnet is adorable...just threw it in this post. Thinking if my Daughter gets her Bronze Award this year with Mrs. Amanda, I want it...!
Great job to Citlali, Marie, Elizabeth and Lilyana....!
You girls made a difference. It may not seem much, but everything you do for someone makes a difference. Those animals and the people at the Shelter appreciate the kindness and treats.
Good Job Leader Amanda for teaching these girls about making an impact and taking the time to do this project with them...!