Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nut Incentives....!

Guess what has finally made it here?!
You guessed it....our Nut Incentives...!
At our next meeting April 5th, I will pass out all the Nut Incentives to the girls that sold in the Fall Fundraiser.
My girls are enjoying their incentives...their monkeys, necklaces, patches....what fun...!
*If you were absent during the meeting, please get with Troop Leader Bobbi to get your prizes.

1 comment:

  1. We got some of ours. It's pretty sad having to hand them out to my troop four months later and then having to tell them we still don't have all of their awards. They were not to happy. But, they were happy with what they got. It's been so long that they had all forgotten what they ordered. The monkeys are so cute!


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